Products / Autonomy AI & Software

Autonomy AI & Software

DZYNE is a market leader in Analytics and Enabling Technologies

Autonomous Flight





2 sq km/sec

3D Models from Satellite



Modeling Accuracy



Control point

Our software and AI works both for the aircraft and for the person

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Our software powers the UAS we develop which lets them operate independently, including with intuitive point-and-click functions (ie - no pilots needed!)





Our software powers human operators to make decisions at machine speed. THIS is what Matrix, and the other tools do.


Advanced Analytics



Intelligence Flight Operations with Geospacial Augmented Reality

MATRIX provides pilots with deep contextual understanding of flight environments while enabling advanced levels of autonomy.

MATRIX projects geospatial layers into the FMV feeds of MQ-1C, LEAP/ULTRA and Group 2+ UAS platforms that have commonly available EO/ IR payloads. With Matrix, the Payload Operator no longer needs to reference Google Earth to achieve and maintain geospatial orientation, which will increase intelligence gathering efficiency and reduce workload.

Artificial Intelligence

Free up your team’s time and empower decisions with
machine-speed insights.


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